Insert text difficult
Compatible Venetian yellow Gayal
I find your product too difficult to use when trying to insert text to documents.
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Canny AI
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Not user friendly
Azure Academic Walrus
This program is junk. I have spend 4days trying to fill out some forms and you have to tape on the text box repeatedly about 100 times before it will let you type anything thats if your lucky it doesn't bring up the scroll bar to do multiple lines. I will definitely not recommend this to anyone.
Canny AI
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not easy to operarte text wise and based other ways for use is fine
Witty Celestial blue Weasel
Canny AI
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Yellowwood Colorful Nightingale
Such a trash user experience. Clicking Type then clicking on the pdf doesn't work over half of the times I click it, and then when I'm typing text, it just randomly saves the text cause one of your pop ups down the bottom right appears. Be better.