Support Google translate/other dictionary app
Likely Russet Vole
Currently, I have some struggles with looking up the word while reading the PDF.
Expected: When I select a word or line of text, I can use Google Translate on it by using the extension inside the editor
Actual: When I select a line of text and right-click, I only see the options of Comment, Highlight... instead of Translate option from Google Translate
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Canny AI
Merged in a post:
i want to learn meaning of a word
Primitive Coral Wildcat
this feature would be valuable
Standard Venetian red Marlin
Does anyone have a solution for this?
Scott Paulin
Here is what I see when right clicking in Chrome
I guess Lumin has no translate because we overwrote the right click menu
Likely Russet Vole
Scott Paulin: Yeah, I think so. One more thing I realized is that when we select a word, and click on the GG translate button, it will trigger the translator. Unfortunately, in Lumin PDF viewer, we aren't able do it