Text to Speech
Final Cyan Silverfish
I like Lumin for having my university textbook pdfs all in one place and having good viewing options. However, one feature that I noticed is missing is a text to speech / Read aloud option that appears on competing document viewers. I think this would highly enhance the experience and usability of Lumin and make way for more users, not to mention improve the accessibility of Lumin. Personally, I like to use text to speech to have my textbook read aloud to me while I read at the same time. I find I absorb the information best when I can see and hear the information at the same time. Depending on your response and how other applications compare, I may unfortunately have to switch to using a different pdf viewer otherwise. Thank you for taking the time to read my request. Have a wonderful day.
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Civic Cruz
Text-to-speech is now available in Lumin!
More info here: https://help.luminpdf.com/how-do-i-use-text-to-speech-in-lumin
Civic Cruz
in progress
Civic Cruz
Civic Cruz
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Artistic Moonstone blue Antlion
Is there a Text-to-Speech options available? My daughter is using this website that is linked to allinonehomeschoolcurriculum.com and when she was in public school she had an IEP and that was one of accommodations; text-to-speech.
Civic Cruz
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Text to Speech
Purring Gecko
I would like to know if the read out loud feature is accessible when using free trial.
Civic Cruz
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Text-to-speech feature
Zaffre Legitimate Landfowl
Is any option in the program of Lumin Pdf that reads the text for me? like a audiobook.